November 8, 2007


It wasn't too long ago (this last spring/summer actually) when the women's bible study group at my church studied 1 Peter. It was a very good study for all 7 or 8 of us who attended. In the time from finishing that book and starting a new book I've gone through a change of seasons...I've gone from being like a blooming flower in the midst of spring, moist, vibrant and pleasant to look at, to how I'm feeling now, which is most certainly not the same. I still feel like a flower, however, the flower I feel like is one that has lost its nutrition source, I've started to whither away and am feeling so dry. How has this happened in such a short amount of time? I supose it's time to start looking upward and wait on Him.


unlikelyhero said...

Hey love muffin,
Thanks for being honest! We all go through these dry spells.... I know it may be hard to see now, but these are the times that God changes us the most (that is if we turn to Him) The best times of my heart were the worst times of my life. Because I had no choice but to turn everything over to the CROSS!

Mary Blaustone said...

I'm so happy you're a part of my life. It's hard to be in a dry place. But I do know puts you right at Jesus' feet. There's no better place to be in order to have to look up. Writing has really helped me during my dry time. I pray it helps you too.
I love you so