August 24, 2008


So the King will greatly desire
your beauty;
Because He is your Lord,
worship Him...

The royal daughter is all
glorious within the palace;
Her clothing is woven with gold.
Psalm 45:11, 13

In reading this passage I've come to the realization that I've been desiring to be desired by those other than the Lord. Being desired feels pretty good, but it doesn't compare to being loved and desired by my King! And because He is my King I will worship Him.

A friend recently questioned my love for the Lord, which got me to thinking, "why the heck would she even say something like that?" But after meditating on it I've come to realize that my outward love for the Lord has been lacking a bit lately. And its not just my love for the Lord that's been lacking, its my love toward my friends as well. I love the Lord whole hearted, and I love my friends very much, and I'm really not sure why I haven't been expressing that.

I tend forget that the Lord desires to meet with me. You're probably asking how someone could forget this. I think my answer is this, maybe the distractions in my life keep me from hearing His calling to me. Its like He's up there with His appointment book where He's penciled me in for a very important meeting, you know those meetings, the ones where all He wants to say is "Hey, how are you doing? Tell me what's going on. I love you." and I totally just blow Him off. I really need to take the time to stop and have a conversation with my Daddy more often, and not just at night when I'm feeling like the world is crashing in on me because I've let the things of this life become bigger than the one who holds me and the world in the palm of His hand.

I pray that you would forgive me for my neglect, I pray that you would create in me a heart that desires to meet with you as much as you desire to meet with me. I pray that when I start feeling as though the distractions in life are greater than You that I would realize that they are simply tests that strengthen my relationship with you. I pray that Your love and grace would flow through me and out to others.
In Jesus name~ Amen

July 31, 2008

On you I wait all the day

Show me Your ways, O Lord;
Teach me Your paths.
Lead me in Your truth and teach me,
For You are the God of my salvation;
On You I wait all the day.
Psalm 25:4-5 I'm going to let you have one guess as to who is having the hardest time living out this verse, ok mostly the last line.

Sometimes in my life I feel as though God is going to bless me with something so great and less then a moment later He sets it aside and stands in the middle of me and that blessing and tells me I have to wait on Him before that blessing will be mine.

Now don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that the Lord is holding back any blessings He may have for me, what I'm simply saying is He's touching this small, yet totally huge part of me that so often does not wait on His perfect timing or His perfect will in my life.

Sometimes waiting seems like the hardest thing to do, as if its an action that is completely strenuous. I mean why should seeking the Lord and asking for His guidance be so hard. Why does my flesh feel the need to make me want to do things my way? I already know the outcome of that whole scenario, pain, heartache, bitterness, anger...I could go on and on. Why on earth would I want that for myself again? As if I ever had fun in any of that.

Lord help me to wait on you all the day!

July 22, 2008


So, tonight I was listening to this song that we sang in church on Sunday morning, most of you, if not all of you, know it very well... Amazed.

Everytime I sing this song my heart melts into a huge pile of mush, maybe because this is truly how I feel about the Lord...ok not maybe, this IS how I feel about the Lord. I am so amazed that my God loves me, a giant sinner, as much as He does.

When I sing this song, or read the lyrics, I get a very clear picture of my God dancing and singing because of ME! It turly floors me.

Ok, so I just thought I would share...I'm not in a totally deep mood tonight, but I am so AMAZED by my God!

I have included the lyrics to the song for those of you who may be unfamilar with the song.

You dance over me

While I am unaware

You sing all around

But I never hear the sound

Lord I’m amazed by You

Lord I’m amazed by You

Lord I’m amazed by You

How You love me

How wide, O how wide

How deep, O how deep

How great, O how great

Is Your love for me

November 8, 2007


It wasn't too long ago (this last spring/summer actually) when the women's bible study group at my church studied 1 Peter. It was a very good study for all 7 or 8 of us who attended. In the time from finishing that book and starting a new book I've gone through a change of seasons...I've gone from being like a blooming flower in the midst of spring, moist, vibrant and pleasant to look at, to how I'm feeling now, which is most certainly not the same. I still feel like a flower, however, the flower I feel like is one that has lost its nutrition source, I've started to whither away and am feeling so dry. How has this happened in such a short amount of time? I supose it's time to start looking upward and wait on Him.