August 24, 2008


So the King will greatly desire
your beauty;
Because He is your Lord,
worship Him...

The royal daughter is all
glorious within the palace;
Her clothing is woven with gold.
Psalm 45:11, 13

In reading this passage I've come to the realization that I've been desiring to be desired by those other than the Lord. Being desired feels pretty good, but it doesn't compare to being loved and desired by my King! And because He is my King I will worship Him.

A friend recently questioned my love for the Lord, which got me to thinking, "why the heck would she even say something like that?" But after meditating on it I've come to realize that my outward love for the Lord has been lacking a bit lately. And its not just my love for the Lord that's been lacking, its my love toward my friends as well. I love the Lord whole hearted, and I love my friends very much, and I'm really not sure why I haven't been expressing that.

I tend forget that the Lord desires to meet with me. You're probably asking how someone could forget this. I think my answer is this, maybe the distractions in my life keep me from hearing His calling to me. Its like He's up there with His appointment book where He's penciled me in for a very important meeting, you know those meetings, the ones where all He wants to say is "Hey, how are you doing? Tell me what's going on. I love you." and I totally just blow Him off. I really need to take the time to stop and have a conversation with my Daddy more often, and not just at night when I'm feeling like the world is crashing in on me because I've let the things of this life become bigger than the one who holds me and the world in the palm of His hand.

I pray that you would forgive me for my neglect, I pray that you would create in me a heart that desires to meet with you as much as you desire to meet with me. I pray that when I start feeling as though the distractions in life are greater than You that I would realize that they are simply tests that strengthen my relationship with you. I pray that Your love and grace would flow through me and out to others.
In Jesus name~ Amen